Baby Pig Restart®


Baby Pig Restart® is a top-dress powder to encourage feed intake in young pigs at weaning.

The transition to dry feed for a weaned pig is a challenging event.  Reduction in nutrient intake sets the young pig back in development.  Baby Pig Restart® is an  attractant that entices pigs to eat dry feed more quickly.  In addition to getting the young pig back on feed more quickly, Baby Pig Restart also provides additional nutrients and energy needed to help avoid starve-outs and stunting.


Baby Pig Restart is also available in an Animal Protein Free formula, Baby Pig Restart APF.

Logo for Baby Pig Restart® for baby pigs, young pigs and piglets
Logo for Baby Pig Restart® APF for baby pigs, young pigs and piglets

When to Use: 

•  Top-dress on starter feeds to entice young pigs to consume dry feed after weaning
•  Add to gruel to provide added energy and nutrients to reduce fall behinds when pigs are weaned
•  Introduce the last 2-3 days before weaning
•  Use to restart fall-back pigs

Photo of a pig feeding trough for baby pigs, young pigs and piglets
Baby Pig Restart is fortified with vitamins, electrolytes, enzymes and prebiotics.


  • Highly palatable and aromatic: attracts pigs to feed allowing quicker weaning transition
  • Acidified to help promote optimum digestion
  • Can be top-dressed, mixed in drinking water or drenched
  • Offered in an animal protein free formula which does not contain animal proteins
  • Original Baby Pig Restart, contains bovine blood plasma and protein; whey and animal energy sources
Photo of 20 baby pigs gathered around and feeding from a trough


  • Highly palatable aromatic attractant
  • Aids in getting pigs on feed quicker
  • Contains highly digestible nutrients critical for post-weaning period
  • Does not contain plasma or other animal proteins
Photo of a bag of Baby Pig Restart® for baby pigs, young pigs and piglets and some mixed into a bowl for use

Directions For Use

Use product for 2 days, whether on feed or in water.

Top dress up to 1/2 ounce by weight (1 fl. oz) per pig of Baby Pig Restart on the pig starter, 1 ounce/pig/day maximum.

Liquid Feeding (Gruel):

Day 1 post weaning: Mix 4 ounces of Baby Pig Restart in 1 quart of warm water to form a palatable gruel. Feed one quart gruel per 20 pigs two to three times per day in a pan to attract pigs. 

For 1-5 Day Old Pigs:

Mix one part of Baby Pig Restart with two parts of water and stir well to make a suspension. Slowly feed 0.5 oz (15 ml) of the suspension on the back of the tongue to severely stunted or starved 1-5 day-old baby pigs. Repeat as needed, typically feed 1 oz (30 ml) of suspension, with a maximum of 2 oz (60 ml) of suspension/pig/day.

Apply Baby Pig Restart APF as an attractant to get pigs on feed.

Top Dressing:

Top dress 1/4 to 1/2 ounce by weight (1/2 – 1 fl. oz or 1 cup per 16 pigs) per pig on the starter ration in the feeder trough twice per day for 2 days.  Targeted feeding rate of no more than 1 ounce/pig/day.

Liquid Feeding (Gruel):

Post weaning:  Mix 1 part Baby Pig Restart APF with 2 parts of water to create a gruel solution.  Feed 1/2 gallon of gruel per 20 pigs, three times per day for 2 days.  Add starter feed to gruel solution starting with small amount the first feeding and gradually increase each feeding.

Farrowing crate: Feed 1/4 ounce per pig per day 2-3 days prior to weaning

Baby Pig Restart®


Provide multiple energy sources, vitamins, electrolytes and more
to encourage feed intake at weaning and to supplement pigs in
the farrowing crate.

SKU: 10518-183 Category:
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