Calf Resources
At TechMix we are continually learning and furthering our knowledge, explore our resources below to learn more about calves and specific topics regarding events calves face.
Accelerate a calf’s ability to overcome scours
Written by: Nathan Upah, Ruminant Technical Leader, TechMix
Many producers focus on early-life colostrum intake, but the benefits of colostrum extend well beyond those critical first hours after birth.
Calves under the sun: Navigating heat stress challenges
Written by:Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix international ruminant nutrition manager
Heat stress can have lifelong negative impacts on calf health and performance. Shade, air flow, the THI chart and electrolytes are all essential tools for mitigating this issue.
Redefining Hydration
Written by: Nathan Upah, Ruminant Technical Leader, TechMix
Redefining hydration: It’s more than just salt, sugar and potassium.
Heat Stress Impacts Energy Metabolism
Written by: Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix international ruminant nutrition manager
As summer months get closer and temperatures begin to ramp up, dairy producers from all over the world start to think of strategies to minimize the effects of heat stress on their farming operation.
Heat Stress Chart
Written by: Dr. Zach Janssen, DVM
Do calves need a heat stress chart?
Heat Stress Abatement
Provide heat stress abatement for calves.
Written by: Dr. Zach Janssen, DVM
Utilizing Two Electrolyte Protocol in Calves.
Calf Scour Solutions
Written by: Rodrigo Garcia, TechMix international ruminant nutrition manager
Holster that syringe: Get back to the basics.
Calf Perk
Written by: Mike Reid, PhD
Quickly stimulate at-risk calves to get them on their feet and eating.
Calf Scours
Written by: Dr. Zach Janssen, DVM
Scours prevention is the best strategy to help your calves stay healthy, learn more about scours prevention and treatment.
Effective Scours Management
Written by: Nathan Upah
Proper rehydration results from the supply of key nutrients at the proper osmolarity with the right alkalinizing agents to keep your animals drinking, eating and producing. Learn more.
Written by: Nathan Upah
Dystocia is an inevitable part of raising cattle, learn more on what this means and how to help.
Management for dystocia calves
Written by: Nathan Upah
During a normal birth, the calf will exit the womb with about 80% O2 blood saturation and very quickly progress to 98-100% O2. Learn more about how to manage dystocia calves.
Non-pharma solutions
Written by: Dr. Zach Janssen, DVM
Learn about the 3 main goals of treatment therapy for scouring calves.
Written by: Dr. Zach Janssen, DVM
There are many things to consider when it comes to the transition period around calving and weaning. Learn more.