BlueLite® Pro2Lyte is an iso-osmotic electrolyte for gut health in pigs of all ages that provides oral hydration support with protein and amino acids.
Drink. Absorb. Thrive. During challenging times provide a unique iso-osmotic blend of hydration and protein that facilitates water and nutrient transport to pigs. Pigs love the taste of BlueLite® Pro2Lyte – the iso-osmotic drink that challenged pigs need. BlueLite® Pro2Lyte for young pigs provides energy and proteins which gives them the functional components they need to recover.
When to Use:
- Pre-weaned pigs in farrowing house during scouring events
- Targeted care for challenged pigs of all ages
- For sows during heat stress during lactation, breed-back for energy and hydration, and to help find water in new pen

BlueLite Pro2Lyte is specifically formulated with the ideal balance of electrolytes, osmolytes and amino acids to support gut health during stress events.
Key Benefits
- Highly palatable and easy to mix
- Maximize water and nutrient absorption with added energy for the first 24-48 hours in challenged pigs
- Ideal balance of electrolytes, osmolytes and amino acids
- Flexible applications – through the water either via a proportioner or offered in a pan/bowl, as a gruel solution or as a dry top-dress on feed
- Contains critical amino acids, such as glutamate, to support gut health during stress events
- The use of iso-osmotic solutions such as BlueLite Pro2Lyte aids in hydration and has shown wellness benefits in challenged animals