A novel blend of water-soluble micronutrients and antioxidants for pigs of all ages.

When to Use:
- In anticipation of and throughout periods of stress
- Support during respiratory challenges
- Following transport or during co-mingling
- Following times of nutrient disruption

ImmuFend is fortified with vitamins, antioxidants and Zinc.
Key Benefits
- Immuno-supportive
- Synergistic blend of micronutrients
- Highly bioavailable forms of zinc and antioxidants
- Easy-to-use, fully water-soluble
- Acidified

Directions For Use
Adult Swine: Mix 5 gallons of water with 1 scoop of product. Stir until dissolved. Provide stock solution mixture through a water proportioner at 1:128. Provide through drinking water for a minimum of 5 days.
Feeder Pigs: Mix 5 gallons of water with 2 scoops of product. Stir until dissolved. Provide stock solution mixture through a water proportioner at 1:128. Provide through drinking water for a minimum of 5 days.
Weaned Pigs: Mix 1 gallon of water with 1 scoop. Stir until dissolved. Provide stock solution mixture through a water proportioner at 1:128. Provide through drinking water for a minimum of 5 days.